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tv   KTVU Fox 2 News at 4pm  FOX  August 5, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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years is finally getting help. >> armed with a hatchet and gun man attacks people inside a moe movie theater in tennessee. >>. bill board in bart station raising awareness about diversity and women in a traditionally male dominated field. the 4 on 2 starts right now. developing news right now in the east bay. you are looking at a live picture on eastbound highway 24. you can see the rock ridge bart station. traffic is backed up because of a deadly car crash. the crash actually happened on the other side. >> that's right. chp says a cadillac overturned, taken crews sometime to respond. one person in that cadillac was killed. we do not know if other people were injured in that car. and the chp is not sure if another vehicle was involved. but again, take a look. this is going to make for a slow ride home for many people heading to the east bay tonight. with that welcome to the four on
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2. neighbors say this has been an issue for years so had when the power went out again yesterday k tv u went out to that neighborhood to fiepd out what was going on. >> when we got there pg&e abruptly stopped the work. tom, what's the story? >>reporter: this is a typical neighborhood with an a typical problem fl it's been plagued with numerous power outages for at least five years causing folks to hold barbecues buy generators. the crew working on power outages saw our presence as a safety distraction and chose to leave, telling the residents this. we asked them to stop and he won't. >> they are really focused on restoration work. so that's their main charge is ensuring that they are safely doing their work and restoring power to customers as quickly as
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possible. rorz the pg&e employee in this bucket said if we took his picture, he'd sue december pied the fact that it's perfectly legal to take pictures of people doing public work in public places on this street. they were back here for the um tenth time trying to fix the issues. as we left, pg&e set up generators to supply power to the 17 homes with no power. they say they'll undertake permanent repairs very, very soon. >> well, tom why is it taking so many times to repair the outage? why does this keep happening? >>reporter: well, apparently the -- this has underground wires, no overhead wires. apparently this is a buried cable. but apparently back in the '50s and '60s when they built it, they didn't put conduit around it and so the earth is rotting
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it away and you get failure and failure and failure. it would be very big and extraordinarily expensive problem to replace it. so they are doing piecemeal repairs, it seems. but that is not help to the residents who are tired of it. >> tom i had them on my street for a week and a half and frustrated for sure. tom, did you talk to any of the residents out there? >> yeah, and it just keeps happening time and time again. and some of these people consider home businesses, people with children, people here with medical issues. out here it's like 9 2 or 93 degrees right now. if you don't have air conditioning that is a real problem. you bet they're not happy. >> you're paying for your pg&e bill you want reliable service exactly. tom live for us tonight. thanks tom for that report. let's check on the rocky fire. this thing has now grown to 68,000 acres. this is video that you're
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looking at. cal fire says the blaze is 20% contained. 39 homes destroyed. close to 7,000 more are still threatened in lake yolo evacuation centers have been set up. the fire has jumped highway 20 a the least in some places. 20 is closed from highway 16 to 53. close to 3,500 firefighters are out there working to completely surround and put out the fire. the estimated containment date is august 10th. taking a look at the other major stories we're following today, another shooting incident at a theater. this time in the state of tennessee. police in the nashville suburb of antioch say a man armed with a hatchet and a gun sprayed pepper spray at pell in the audience before exchanging shots with an officer. s.w.a.t. team members fatally shot him as he tried to escape the theater. the man is identified as a
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51-year-old white man from the area. comes two weeks after a gunman killed two in a theater in louisiana. as jurors are also deciding whether to impose the death penalty on james holmes in the city of aurora. 29-year-old man in jail in could not cost tonight in bay point this morning. this is video of a fire he is suspected of starting in lafayette last week. he's charged with setting eight vegetative fires. but investigators say they believe he may be responsible for as many as 30 fires on highway 4 state route 24 and marsh creek road. bail set at $1 million. fire raced through this antioch fire complex destroying 30 units off highway 4. start just after 8:00 this morning. cause is still unknown and fire officials are assessing full
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extent of damage. red cross was on hand to help people find a place to stay moou nfl preseason getting ready to kick off and the raiders appear to be very focused. >> jason is at camp today getting ready. energy and optimism, two words that came up about this team. >>. >> reporter: that's exactly right. energy and optimism, new head coaching staff and players had yesterday off, should be refleshed today are feels about 80, 85 here in map a doesn't -- napa doesn't slow down these big players all about energy and speed. >> just the beginning. i know we got a long way ahead of us and i know i got to continue again to get better. so you know, obviously we make big plays or if i do, it's exciting but again i know where we are and where we need to go.
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>> we hear a lot about jack del rio's energy. can you the put that -- can you put that in words? >> he's a guy that played the game. his energy is what a football player would want it to be. he knows how to push us. >> how to bring energy to the practice field every day. what football player wants to hear. he's been in our shoes. we love his energy and we love playing for him. >>reporter: that's murray. he's the running back for the raiders here. he's going to take over pretty much if full time and there is can -- pretty much full time and there is going to be competition with roy but he burst on the season late last year. if you're a fantasy owner he's going to be your guy. as for practice, we talked about the heat up here, but it doesn't slow these guys down. take a look at practice from
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monday. fast paced a lot of tempo. the new coaching staff in place. there is a feeling that this year will be different as the raiders try and snap a 12-year streak with no winning season. new coaches led by jack del rio ken norton, not the only reason for optimism. the raiders believe they have a franchise quarterback, two big player receivers. they're also, as we said, ready to un leash their third year running back, murray, who we just heard from. mike and keeb a lots of optimism around this team. they won three games last year, four the year before and three the year before that. but nonetheless every training camp we say this, the teams are optimistic, but this year it kind of feels true. >> let me talk a little more on the defensive side of the ball. ken norton junior has been
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coaching the line backers for the last five years or so, now has the first shot at becoming a defensive coordinator, what do you think the impact he's going to have for the raiders? >> that remains to be seen but the players are saying great things they respect this guy he's won three super bowls with the cowboys and the 49ers, he came from the seahawks and they had a great defense themself. everybody is fired up about ken norton. another is the second guy linebacker, pash rusher, nortd on was just raving about mack and justin tuck. they certainly have some pieces and we have to see how all these pieces come together. they're going to be up here in napa working out in this heat for the next three weeks, then break camp, head back to alameda and take it from there. first preseason game a week from friday against the rams at the oakland coliseum right here on k tv u. >> jason live at the raiders
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training camp. thank you, jason. thief makes a mad dash and grabs a donation box off a restaurant counter. why the donations inside that particular box has the community particularly angry at this thief. >> a bit warmer today across most of the bay area. coming up, the temperature change in your thursday forecast. those high clouds we could have more and possibly showers. we'll have more on that after the break. >> from the clouds to the roadways, 280 in the bay, not bad if you're down in the south bay. time is 4:10. you're watching the four on 2.
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. many families are gearing up to go back to school and school can be a tricky place for students with food allergies. joining us is a nutritional science and education manager. thanks for being mr.. >> thanks for having me. >> with the food allergies sometimes you don't know until it's too late, so what can parents look for? >> that's a really common question. i think what i want to emphasize is food sensitivities are exceptionally common. and we know different triggers affect chish differently. -- children differently. children can have three main groups of systems, so parents want to look for symptoms in the gut, bloating, gas pain or the
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the tummy ache the kids can get maybe even chafrngsz in bowel -- changes in bowel movement. also want to look for symptoms in the lungs, wheezing or coughing not related to infection. they may also notice their children are quite stuffy, right, a lot omucous congestion. and a lot of parents also notice skin conditions. eczema or rashes that have no other cause. >> so it seems you have to pay close attention to what your child is eating and if you see that same result each time, that's a trigger? >> absolutely. i think that's a really good point and a lot of ways that parents can play detective is by keeping a food and diet diary track symptoms over seven days, write down what they're eating and and pay close attention to the symptoms. >> after seven days, call the doctor? >> well, after seven days, possibly time to swap the foods.
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>> how often should kids be testing for food sensitivity and what does it entail? >> typically from the outside i don't recommend formal testing. i think the diet diary is one of the safest and easiest ways for parents to play detective. if they notices a symptom and a food a child is eating, swap it out. for example a lot of kids that don't do well with cow milk, parents swap it for goat milk which has often much better tolerated. switch to school, lunch snack sometimes breakfast is eaten at school. >> i think there are lots of greet, high quality nutrition and delicious opgsdz. you're going to want to look at the labels and trade out for other options. when it comes to glut n parents want to look at grains that are free of gluten. and they may want to consider
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goat milk. >> what about talking to your kids about sharing lunches. you might send your child for a perfect lunch for them and then they decide to swap? >> absolutely i think that's why i encourage the parents to get kids involved when it comes to school lunches. and talk to their teacher. getting them vovld is going to be -- involved is going to be had helpful in making them aware and keeping kids healthy and happy. >> sharing and caring, but not all the time. >> absolutely. >> dr. any thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. let's talk about the rocky fire joined by meteorologist. last check 68,300 acres 39 residences burned, thousands evacuated and not left back to their homes. >> and that was a week ago when we saw the first signs of the rocky fire developing. the typically we can have a correlation between weather and
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the fire but the fire over the first few days really accelerated and spread in coverage. you can see that fire burning in three counties over 68,000 acres. winds for the most part not too strong and temperatures all week long have been cooling off. take a look at current observations around the fire zone. you can see 80s mainly in the mid to upper 80s here and winds as i mentioned on the light side, around 3 to 4. more reports for you out toward the south and east, closer to this area, temperatures in the 80s. humidity levels around 28%. moisture levels have been coming down because we have basically a drier air mass and warmer one as well. we'll continue to warm up into thursday that is an extra challenge for fire crews out there and temperatures will be in the lower 90s for tomorrow and the winds increasing into the afternoon around 12 miles per hour. outside right now you can see a few high clouds. there is mount diablo in the
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distance. those clouds are continuing to move in. it will feel muggy today and tomorrow. you can see live now showers showing up at least a few spotty showers in the southern portions of monterey bay here. there is the chance we could have a pop-up showers closer to santa cruz county and the southern portions of santa clara county as well. definitely the clouds already pushing into the region. here is the left over fog from this morning still hanging out in parts of pillar point closer to half-moon bay. current numbers liver moore 90 degrees. napa 84, san francisco downtown in the upper 60s 67. this area of low pressure that's been cooling us of over the past few days is on the move. we have been warming up, but for today that trend is tfrning tomorrow. patchy morning fog skies partly sunny. eventual temperature range and tomorrow probably one of the warmest days of the week, in fact the warmest locations approaching lower 90s.
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one area moves out and another moves in. this will be the source of more cloud cover and chance for spotty showers especially for thursday night and friday morning. with that there is a possibility of a thunderstorm. so here's our forecast model showing you the clouds for your thursday morning. still the clouds moving in from the south and west. not a lot of shower coverage showing up just yet, but there will be enough especially by thursday night and friday rngs enough instability to generate a few pop-up showers. and here we go finally friday morning. the target time will be roughly around 5 p.m. thursday night to about 5 or six a.m. friday morning with the shower chances. we'll have to keep an eye on that. any potential lightning strikes not good for fire crews out there, so let's keep an eye on those as well. temperatures tomorrow up a few degrees, getting hot inland out toward antioch and boyfriend wood 94 -- brentwood 94. upper 80s in gilroy, 91 and humid as well. san francisco downtown we'll go
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72 degrees. look ahead, five day forecast, here we go. we put in one lightning bolt for friday, thursday night and friday morning and then into the weekend pretty quiet out there with morning fog skies between partly sunny. but we never like to put in a thunderstorm in the forecast especially with the fire crews out there so busy with the fires. and of course any thunderstorm could actually start up new fires out there, so we have to keep a close eye on the radar with the potential lightning. >> just 48 hours away. thanks, mark. appreciate it. want to bring you up to speed on breaking news. sky fox was headed to the rocky fire and rerouted to the city of pittsburgh there in contra cost a county, sky fox giving us live photos. some sort of crime scene possibly a shooting. >> at this poipt, my details are so -- at this point my details are so limited. some sort of shooting, we know a police officer was involved. no other dpe tails. details. you can see the police presence.
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i believe this is harbor and will 12th street. >> that's on the north side in the city of pittsburgh. sky fox getting on scene. john is in one of our vans and also heading to the city of pits burg and we look to get him up as well. he ordered an ice cream and grabbed the donation box on the counter and then took off. we're going to tell you why those donations make the theft especially upsetting to people. hillary clinton is in the bay area. we're live in the peninsula where an exclusive fundraiser is planned for this evening.
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. welcome back to four on 2 president obama continues push for support of nuclear deal with iran. today he spoke at the american university in d.c. while congress and jewish leaders are still resisting. >> most controversial foreign policy debate since the war in iraq. since reaching an agreement with iran the president and his team have been lobbying skeptics in congress saying this deal is the best way to prevent iran are from getting a nuclear weapon. >> after two years, we have reached a deal to permanently prohibits iran from getting a nuclear weapon. while the administration says this is the best way to
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address iran's nuclear program the united states is still maintaining all options including use of the military. meanwhile in a live tuesday website, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he opposes the deal. >> i want to prevent war and this deal will bring war spark a nuclear arms race and feed iran's terrorism and aggression. that would make war, perhaps the most horrific war of all, far more likely. >> the highest ranking jewish in the house has just announced his opposition. at the white house rich edison, fox news. they say he's a regular customer at the a and w in lodi. he orders an ice cream and then he grabs the donation box and runs out of the restaurant. let's take a look at this up
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close one more time. that donation box raises money for the wounded warrior project. the charity offers various services projects, and he vejts for wounded -- events for wounded veterans and families. the theft is outranling the -- outraging the community even children trying to help police. >> they're fighting for our country, they need to -- it's the least that we can do is give back to them. i mean they're risking their lives out there for us. >> really can't talk about it. just can't. >> i get it. >> the guys are out there they're doing what they can. and there is so much push back. >> now restaurant managers say the man who stole the donation box is a regular and had come in earlier on the same day. now the lodi community is coming together and started raising even more money for the wounded warriors project. so far they have raised four times the amount that was
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stolen. and keeba, the restaurant owner has reported that there was just about $100 or so in that box. now you're talking about $400. i'm hoping that that even tripled in size. >> i bet it will. when you hear from a child who gets it and knows we can't do that -- >> and the emotion of that one gentleman. >> sad to see. really sad to see. >> not a way to tleet the veterans. >> let's hope they get more money after this. started as a bill board in the bart station but sparked a movement on social media raising awarement about diversity in the workplace he is specialtiy here in the bay -- especially here in the bay area. hillary clinton is making her way through the bay area. we'll tell you where she's headed. and working on stories for news at 5 and 6. tweeting the city of san jose has an april to track customers compare with neighbors. again, john headed off to the city of pittsburgh as we
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continue to follow the breaking news, shooting involving an officer somehow in the city of pittsburgh in east twelfth and harbor. the four on 2 is back in just a bit. wrong! we love yoga and sunshine and stuff. well foster farm's chicken has no added hormones. well i wish you didn't have any added negativity! ha! high five! yeah! he's not going far. they're local. introducing fresh and natural chicken. california grown with no added hormones. from foster farms. simply better. ♪ ♪ ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... ♪ [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.]
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take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store.
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. breaking news right now in contra cost a county where there is an officer-involved shooting. this is in the area
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of harbor and east twelfth. these are live pictures coming to you. >> pittsburgh police sent out new information and we're putting our eyes on this for the first time. i'm going to read through this along with keeba. i guess this started around 11:00 this morning when one of the officers with the pittsburgh police department saw an attempted murder suspect on the 500 block of east twelfth. apparently at this time officers spotted the suspect the suspect took off turned the corner which would put him westbound on to harbor street, officer lost sight of him for a few moementsz, but when the officer turned the corner, that suspect was there waiting for the officer with a gun pointed at him. >> he found the officer and he fired his weapon, striking that officer in the leg. officer was able to return fire and then striking the suspect multiple times. the firearm was located and recovered on scene. i should say this attempted murder, apparently happened last night in the city of concord.
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>> attempted murder happened last night but suspect spotted this morning. 49 years old bay point resident. he was taken to a nearby hospital is expected to survive. >> and the officer was expected to survive -- >> that was the suspect. the officer, yes is already -- >> treated and released. the officer was shot in the leg treated and released for that gunshot wound. he is a 24-year veteran of the pittsburgh police department. that's the latest from the story and the city of pittsburgh. other news, major corporations are going to have to open up about just how much their top executives make. securities & exchange commission today voted to order most public companies disclose the ratio between the ceo and median or midpoint pay for employees. the new rule won't take effect until 2017 and executive pay has been under fire since before the recession. oversized pay packages are often
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tied to a company's stock price created a culture filled with risk based on short term game rather than long term ber form answer. netflix is now offering a new benefit to all employees. now an unlimited amount of time off during the first year after a child's birtsz or adoption. in this new maternity and paternity policy includes full pay and allows parents to return to work part-time if they want for the first year. we reached out and they say we ask employees to make the best decisions for netflix every day and this freeze them to dwo the same for their expanding families with the company's full support. this also allows employees to return fo work then take -- to work then take more time off later during that same first year after a child joins the family. started as a recruiting ad campaign for her company but this bill board at a bart
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station says the real life employee featured on it was simply too pretty. of the 22-year-old fired right back with an onlioness say saying just another opportunity for sexism. she also says i've had an engineer on salary at a boot camp message me to explicitly be friends with benefits while i was in the ipt view process at the -- interview process at the school he worked for. she ended the essay with this picture, holding a sign saying i help build enterprise software and uses the hashtag i look like an engineer. sparked an online movement to raise awareness about diversity in the workplace and women from all different kinds of engineering sharing photos and what they do along with the hashtag i look
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like an engineer. >> sarah lang, executive producer at tech crunch and host of the crunch ro rt is joining us. thanks for taking the time. >> hi. >> i want to bring up that company ad that sparked this entire i look like an engineer campaign. in response, i noticed on facebook, someone wrote this. i want to be accurate so i'm going to read it. quote, if their intention is is to attract more women, then it would have been been better to choose a picture with a warm, friendly smile rather than a sexy smirk. sarah, do you agree sexism continues to plague the tech industry? >> absolutely. i mean look at the -- this is a campaign that was put on by this woman's company one logic to attract more talent, to attract more engineers. it's hard to hire engineers in the bay area these days because everybody wants to hire good people, right? so she looks attractive, she's wearing the t-shirt of her company. she says that her team is great. she has good time with them,
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smart, creative, hilarious. there is nothing wrong with this except the fact that if she's too pretty, then people say wait a second, this company is manipulating us. engineers don't look like that. she shouldn't be giving us a sexy smirk because that's not what an engineer would do. this woman, i saw on social media, she has a really good break down of not only is this a gender stereotype that is still -- it's still happening. despite the fact that so many women are very outspoken about the fact that this shouldn't be happening, it is still happening. it happens to her all the time. and really, who is to say what an engineer looks like, female, male attractive? i mean, there is no accounting for how that's going to make anyone react. so this is really caught on, mostly with women. >> let me jump in because you mentioned the word women. her ceo of the company has said that 10% of the people who come through the door for an
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interview are women. the other 90% are the men. what is the best way to increase the diversity in this field? >> well, i mean, that is -- that turns into a big question about education and providing younger girls the tools to get as interested in science and math that younger boys have been interested in historically for a long time. so it is a problem. it's a problem in silicon valley. we all love talking about it. a lot of companies don't know what to do about it. but i really think that one logic here, besides the fact that yeah, she's a good looking woman, they're doing the right thing. they were getting and spreading the word that this is a real person that works for the company. she's not hired. she works in the engineering department and says i like working here. you should maybe think about that. as a woman engineer i might be more inclined, especially if i felt like i had experienced discrimination or some gender bias in my past, i might be more
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inclined to work somewhere like this that felt a little more inclusive. >> so she takes to twitter and it has caught on. thousands of women have posted pictures of themselves with that hashtag. do you think that is the best way to spread the awareness? i mean, to take to social media like this? >> well, social media everybody loves it social media hashtag that catches on like wildfire. but this is for a really good reason. if you search on twitter or facebook there are a variety of networks that this is sort of spread to, if you do a search for this, you're going to read a lot of interesting things from a variety of people who are engineers and who tell you that they have very interesting jobs and they look all sorts of ways. and this whole stereotype of the engineer must be from that hbo show silicon valley and live with a bunch of other people and eat bad food and never sleep
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that's simply not true, at least as it relates to the people who are smart enough to hold these positions. so the more that we understand that the more that stereotypes get broken down. and if it's on twitter if it's on social media at least we're talking about it right now. >> yeah. you brought up a good point a little earlier when you talked about education and diving into another big issue and that's getting technology and teaching men and women especially young codes coding and public schools and private schools. i think education is key. >> exactly. we all love science and math. >> sarah the executive producer at tech crunch, most of the crunch -- host of the crunch report. thanks, sarah. a bit warmer today, also tracking more high clouds and possibly shower chances. we'll break down those chances coming up after the break. san francisco not looking the best for the commute even
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with the giants out in on the road. that's 101 bumper to bumper in every direction down in. you're watching the four on 2. it's 4:39.
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. busy weekend in the bay area especially with the music festival and that means launch very big business. what you need to know. >> vacation rental business is booming, but also drawing a lot of attention particularly in san francisco where companies such as air brb come under fire. common mistakes homeowners make when deciding to rent out their home. joining me is rob stevens cpa and cofounder of my lodge tax. thank you for joining us. we have a number of events in the bay area outside lands this weekend, beta breakers, gay
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pride parade, certainly a great opportunity to make some money rent out your home. what are some things we should know before we make that decision. taxes and registration requirements, at least. >> exactly. anybody that's renting a home in san francisco needs to collect a 14% city tax. before they can pay the tax they have to register with the city. they have to get on a city registry now do this at the treasury and finance office. and then you collect the tax from your guest and is then the tax is paid monthly. so there is actually a series of registration licensing and then ongoing tax filing requirements that each person engaged in this needs to do. if you're on air b and b they pay the city tax for you so that makes it convenient. but it's something that's important to stay on top of, especially when the industry is really trying to position itself to be embraced by the city. >> certainly a lot of
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competition. there is brbo and home away and flip key. what are some things that homeowners, what kind of protections do i have in terms of against theft or damage? do i have to let my home insurance company know before i do this? >> great question. so i always tell people exercise common sense. if you have valuables put those away. it's very common in these rental units that there is an owner's closet that each owner is a place they can put valuables away. on the insurance side, as a general rule, short term renting is considered a business activity. that's going to be excluded from most homeowner's insurance policies. so if you're doing this more broadly, it is important to check with your agent. i know air b and b has a program on their site that provides protections. the larger sites also have specialized insurance products. >> so you are probably going to need extra insurance besides what you carry as a homeowner
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then? >> exactly. for instance in san francisco right now they require a $500,000 liability policy for anybody renting in the city. >> one more question. i would imagine that another key, important factor is a good rental agreement perhaps having a tax accountant for -- and/or an attorney looking over it. >> yeah. i think the big web websites -- that's an interesting question. i mean, i always start by telling people things people worry about are the legal things they worry about their guests. our industry now we're going to air b and b and other sites where there are probably millions of room nights booked. we read every couple months these really sensational eyed images of wild parties. the reality is most people doing this have discretionary income, tend to be respectful of yu and your home -- of you and your home. maybe down play the risk and concerns over the legal and damage side of it because in reality when there is tens of thousands of room nights being
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booked every night there is actually very, very few instances of damage and concern. >> all right. well that's good news. that's good news. rob stevens, cpa my lodge tax. thank you so much for that advice. >> all right. thanks for having me. >> as he mentioned, more importantly to think about the taxes, things to keep in mind if you don't follow the specific registration requirements, you could be audited and faced with back taxes and fines. >> pam thank you. in the weather center now noticing warmer temperatures today, feeling a little more like summer. >> that's right. we started off with a cooler pattern monday and tuesday. but looking to the south, you may have noticed a few high clouds pay us a visit. i'll hand keeba the mouse she's going to take interactive control. this is not me. this is keeba. what's jumping out on this? >> oh, boy. >> right. >> and then this is what keeba is tracking right there. >> that's where i'm tracking,
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because it's green on doppler rain. >> that's what's standing out right now. take a closer look at the -- >> can i stick to my other job. >> very nice. >> we have storms coming and a closer look with a few showers approaching monterey bay. with that there is a chance, especially by tomorrow night into friday, could be tracking showers into the bay area. at least in the short term, there is the chance closer to monterey bay closer to santa cruz county, southern portions of monterey and southern portions of santa clara county as well. right now high clouds and patchy fog out there. here in fact, the fog closing in on half-moon bay. that's basically left over closer to pillar point that women gradually reform over the next few hours. as far as current temperatures out there 90 in livermore it was warmer today. concord 88 san jose in the upper 70s and san francisco 67. low to mid-80s for santa rosa, also haze because of the smoke
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across northern california from the fires out there. we have relatively clear skies across the region now with the exception of a few high clouds. coastal fog overnight. tomorrow warmer but increasing high clouds through the day. as i mentioned by tomorrow night into friday morning we could be tracking a few pop-up showers and thunderstorms as well. 7 a.m. tomorrow morning san jose, 62 degrees by 12:00 in the upper 70s. 4:00 back up into the mid to upper 80s. overnight lows will be in the 50s to the low 60s. partly cloudy skies areas of fog out there. once again here's the overall weather pattern. high clouds streaming in from the south. this guy has been kind of capping the bay area temperatures all week long. with its departure warming back up, in fact that trend started today and into tomorrow. another area of low pressure approaching the coastal lines. more high clouds thursday and thursday night and friday, could be tracking thunderstorms at least a slight chance here in
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the bay area. we'll have to keep an eye on the sear era better chance of storms there. could have the possibility of more lightning strikes which we do not need. friday morning you can see a little bit of a pop up activity here moving in across the bay area and then by friday afternoon, we'll scale back on some of the clouds. heads up if you're heading to hawaii here's guillermo tropical storm projected path north of the islands and weakening, but definitely rain producer and snow -- not a snow producer. a surf producer as well. that's what i was trying to say. bigger waves, especially for the north shore of hawaii. forecast high tomorrow, lower 90s for walnut creek livermore brent more. gilroy 91, tomorrow the warmest day of the week, also a bit muggy out there as well as the moisture moves in from the south as keeba pointed out nicely on
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the radar. you can't see on the five day forecast chance of shower thursday and friday, no major changes in the temperature. so we'll continue to track the subtropical calendar temperatures temperatures. >> you can see how sensitive it is. >> it is. lets look at the stories we're working on for fox 2 news at 5. >> shooting in pittsburgh, police officer ambushed by a suspect who was being chased. the officer was shot and injured, so was the suspect. late information from the scene. also take a look at this surveillance video. robbery inside a store in san francisco involving a group of young girls. they rushed in. the whole thing lasted 75 seconds, but they got away with a lot of expensive items. and frank what a treat for special girls who got a bit of a break from reality. >> yeah. this is a really nice story. it involves 11 young girls, all
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of them have cancer. but today they didn't have to think about that. today was a day that was just for them, complete with a limo ride and a day at the spa. they don't have a whole lot to smile about but today they sure did. again, we'll have that story coming up for you at 5. >> thanks, frank. we'll be right back. with sleep train's most popular stearns & foster mattresses. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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happy anniversary to me it's safeway's anniversary... happy anniversary to me but you're the one who's gonna save some serious money. happy anniversary to me right now with your club card usda choice ribeye steak is $7.99 a pound 32-ounce gatorade is 69 cents and select quaker cereal is $1.49 happy anniversary to me. safeway's huge anniversary sale! it's just better.
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. take a look at stories making news on social media today. miss sonoma county is ready to defend the united states, keeba. >> you see her there. a theen a trading in combat boots, 17 years announced that she's heading to marine boot
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camp in south carolina. she's going to be on mornings on 2 tomorrow to discuss her journey during the 8:00 hour. >> sort of reminds of me of your engineer interview really, a marine? >> putting on the boots and going off to defend our count stree and thank you for your certify sis -- country and thank you for your service. >> more on cecil the lion. >> back in the news. >> hunt and killing of cecil the lion sparked a new conservation effort. toy maker ty. >> inc., has released a cecil beanie baby. >> it's going to the university of oxford and give all of the money is being donated. >> the same group that has been rer ching cecil. they go on sale at the end of september. i've got to believe they'll do
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pretty well. >> also the american dentist who killed cecil has maintained he thought the hunt was legal. he's been demanded to be extradited back to zimbabwe. >> latest way to pay with credit card, but how vulnerable is square fo hackers? that story with four -- that story when four on 2 returns.
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. the latest way to pay with a credit card. but a team of researchers come up with a way to hack the square mobile card reader to steal information. the researchers are grads from boston university. they come up with a way to hack the magnetic strips on the square. it takes 10 minutes. according to reports, that would allow -- that chip and cards won't be vulrecall to this. research wars plan to present -- f
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. good evening everyone. i am heather holme. >> i am frank summerville. a police officer shot in the leg at 11:00 a.m. chasing an attempted murder suspect a few blocks away from railroad avenue. sky fox is over the scene right now. roads remain closed hours after the shooting. we are at the police station with the very latest for us. we just got here. i can tell you i talked to a
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couple of different police police officers. this officer who was injured this morning is doing well. he is out of the hospital already with the leg injury. what happened is the officer was in the area of east 12th 12th street and saw an attempted murder suspect. someone who tried to commit murder last night in the city of concord. the officer tried to stop the individual.


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